Nodejs | Function Closures and Scope

The task is to execute a function with a callback multiple times but each time I want to pass my loop ‘item’ variable to the callback function.

Let’s consider the following code example.

for (var item = 0; item < 3; item++) {

        This function gets called immediately,
        however execCallback will not.
        Note that this function won't block the execution
    setTimeout(callback, 100);

    function callback() {

            Since setTimeout need 100 milesecond
            console.log will be executed
            only when 'for' loop is finished 
            leaving as with item = 10


    // This console.log will executed immidiately
    console.log('Item: %s', item)


This is the code output

λ node callback-args_02.js
Item: 0
Item: 1
Item: 2

We can see that item gets logged immediately 3 times but callback returned 100 ms later when the item was on its last value which is 3. How can we male callback aware of current loop iteration?

We can do that by cloning the value of ‘item’ variable into the scope of another function which can not be altered from higher level.

A closure is an expression (typically a function) that can have free variables together with an environment that binds those variables (that “closes” the expression).Since a nested function is a closure, this means that a nested function can “inherit” the arguments and variables of its containing function. In other words, the inner function contains the scope of the outer function. [1]

The following example demonstrate the concept of local and global scope

var globalVar = "I'm global var";

function myFunc() {

    // This will create globalVar in local context of myFunc
    // which doesn't interfear with the global one
    var globalVar = "I'm local var";
    return globalVar;


console.log('myFunc scope globalVar:', myFunc());
console.log('Global scope globalVar:', globalVar);


λ node scope-example.js
myFunc scope globalVar: I'm local var
Global scope globalVar: I'm global var

The other very important moment to understand is that function can return another function. Please consider the following example.

function addNum(x) {
    // addNum return anonymous function
    return function (y) {
        // Note how x value accessible to this scope 
        return x + y;
var addTwo = addNum(2);


Notice how value 2 gets saved inside of addTwo object scope. This might be used to solve our original callback problem.

Let’s wrap our setTimeout into another function. By doing so we will crate function closure and create new object with our ‘item’ value for every iteration of the loop.

for (var item = 0; item < 3; item++) {

        New objec created from callWraper every iteration of the loop
        it will preserve our item number for callback
    function callWrapper(i) {

        setTimeout(callback, 100);

        function callback(){
                Since callback function is a child of
                callWrapper it will have access to its scope



    // This console.log will executed immidiately
    console.log('Item: %s', item)


λ node callback-with-args-example.js
Item: 0
Item: 1
Item: 2

Now we calling setTimer asynchronously and preserving the ‘item’ value to print it later to the console.

